Sunday, November 20, 2011

Hawaiian Aloha Mana

Aloha dear friends!!
After and amazing time spent on the unique and beautiful Hawaiian Island of Kaua'i, I return fresh and new with some wonderful new techniques that I am terrribly excitied to share!!
First, I share my latest Hawaiian chant written by my own little hand!!
E' Kahi loa Ke akua 
E' Kahi loa Moana nui
E' Kahi loa Malu 
Ho'opihu pu'uwai o' lani A'o
E' Ho'omaika'i ke kanaka kei'a
Aloha no, Aloha no Aloha no
In permanent oneness with god/creator
In permanent oneness with the great mother
In permanent oneness with peace
Fill our open heart space with divine light
and bless all human spirits
with love, with love, with love

About Kaua'i
Kaua'i is the furthest western Island in the Hawaiian Islands. It is the oldest Island and is abundant with female goddess energy. Her aina (land) is rich with life and growth. With wild canyons that reach high to the heavens and run steeply to the ocean side. Her ancient jungles with moss covered stone, lelewai's (waterfall) all await to bless our souls with healing earth power and ualani - heavenly rain. Kaua'i is surrounded by the sometimes gentle sometimes raging but always flowing kai (sea) The sea's constant motion, its epic oceanic roll & polarity of ebb and flow is a major inspiration for my lomi lomi healing work.
Lomi Lomi and Temple Style
I am often asked  how Hawaiian Lomi Lomi & Temple Style bodywork differs from regular massage.
To begin, there are many styles of Lomi Lomi techniques and teachers - I myself have received training in Ka Huna massage - Hawaiian bodywork from another lineage. What remains the same throughout each style is the inherent spirit of Aloha that flows through the giver and receiver.
" I am the giver, I am the receiver, I am that which is given " - Aloha

Lomi Lomi practitioners come from the deep understanding that everything posses spirit and we are all connected as one. From the stone & trees, to the stars, to the animals & us humans (kanaka) we are all of one spirit, one voice, one breath - Ha. By connecting to this spirit, quietening our outer voice and going within to acknowledge ourselves with love we are able to find answers to not only heal and empower our own lives, but inspire others to do the same.
To the lomi practitioner, this perspective becomes a way of life, a prayer of deep gratitude  - mahalo, to each moment, breathing joy into it and living in harmony with all things - this is the way of aloha. This is how we create a clear path, connecting to the divine for higher power and expansion.

Temple style Lomi Lomi is a sacred and ceremonial expression, a gift from the heart, the pu'uwaiThese styles of Lomi Lomi grew from the life and teachings of a native Hawaiian kahuna named Abraham Kawai'iIt's heart based techniques uses flow and movement, like a beautiful dance that weaves love and aloha from the giver to the receiver. A temple style lomi session is often a sponatnious experience, where dynamic technique can be balanced with gentle oceanic flow, rocking the receivers body into a trance for shamanic journeying, contacting bliss and removing cherished wounds.

A lomi lomi practitioner is taught to cleanse/clean and purify the physical, emotional and spiritual dimensions that may house blockages in the aka - the web that connects us to all things.
On a physical level, the treatment stimulates the lymphatic systems, improves cirulation whilst also deeply removing tension and restriction from muslces and joints - physically providing a deep and natural detox for the whole body.

I was trained in shamanic healing arts with Kumu Kealohi Powell, and while this included the beautiful and ritualistic temple style bodywork, I also was blessed to receive the Kahi Loa given originally by Serge Kahili King - a Kupua, shaman in the Hawaiian tradition. I also learnt Laulima, Creating Space and Bone Washing with Hawaiian KaHuna -Harry Uhane Jim.

Kahi Loa
The Kahi Loa has been called  'magic hands' and  "Permanent Oneness". It is a shamanic form of Lomi Lomi massage and Hawaiian healing which employs the mana (divine power) of Spirit in Fire, Water, Wind, Stone, Plants, Animals and Humans. Kahi Loa is a deep, gentle, loving communion with Nature and one's soul. It can be a truly sensuous, healing journey of pure Hawaiian Magic!

Lau Lima  - Creating Space - Bone Washing 
Lau Lima  - Hawaiian Reiki, Coming together by placing hands on the body to raise vibration. Can be done anywhere, any time fully clothed

Bone Washing - Releasing stored energy in the connective tissue that surrounds bones and joints. Its is believed that it is here we store emotional wounds from not only this life, but here we also carry the wounds of our ancestors. By gently releasing the tension surrounding the bones, the body is able to clear itself of these 'cherished wounds' A deeply powerful experience.

Creating Space - Using breath and gentle stretches throughout the body, a deep state of relaxation welcomes the body's knowledge of self-healing.  This technique brings the emotional and physical body into balance by relieving stress and held tension patterns. This technique is perfect as an introduction to temple style sessions. It is also incredibly supportive following physical or emotional trauma. The receiver is fully clothed and is suitable for all ages and body types using no oil. 

Temple Style Ritual - A Transformational Expereince
This is a full ceremonial treatment - Open prayer and hawaiian chanting opens & deepens the sessions for empowerment and healing.
Session includes - Shamanic healing techniques, Kahi Loa & Lomi Lomi. Sessions go until they are finished (roughly 3-4hours)

Pohaku Wele - Hawaiian Hot Stone and temple Style Treatment
60min, 90min and 2 hour sessions

Lomi Lomi Session - Temple Style treatment
60min, 90min and 2 hour sessions

Ike Mo'aka aka o' keiki maka - I see clearly through the eyes of a child

Feel free to call me to chat about treatments or how I can assist in your journey!!

Enliven - Balance - Inspire

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