Sunday, November 20, 2011

Hawaiian Aloha Mana

Aloha dear friends!!
After and amazing time spent on the unique and beautiful Hawaiian Island of Kaua'i, I return fresh and new with some wonderful new techniques that I am terrribly excitied to share!!
First, I share my latest Hawaiian chant written by my own little hand!!
E' Kahi loa Ke akua 
E' Kahi loa Moana nui
E' Kahi loa Malu 
Ho'opihu pu'uwai o' lani A'o
E' Ho'omaika'i ke kanaka kei'a
Aloha no, Aloha no Aloha no
In permanent oneness with god/creator
In permanent oneness with the great mother
In permanent oneness with peace
Fill our open heart space with divine light
and bless all human spirits
with love, with love, with love

About Kaua'i
Kaua'i is the furthest western Island in the Hawaiian Islands. It is the oldest Island and is abundant with female goddess energy. Her aina (land) is rich with life and growth. With wild canyons that reach high to the heavens and run steeply to the ocean side. Her ancient jungles with moss covered stone, lelewai's (waterfall) all await to bless our souls with healing earth power and ualani - heavenly rain. Kaua'i is surrounded by the sometimes gentle sometimes raging but always flowing kai (sea) The sea's constant motion, its epic oceanic roll & polarity of ebb and flow is a major inspiration for my lomi lomi healing work.
Lomi Lomi and Temple Style
I am often asked  how Hawaiian Lomi Lomi & Temple Style bodywork differs from regular massage.
To begin, there are many styles of Lomi Lomi techniques and teachers - I myself have received training in Ka Huna massage - Hawaiian bodywork from another lineage. What remains the same throughout each style is the inherent spirit of Aloha that flows through the giver and receiver.
" I am the giver, I am the receiver, I am that which is given " - Aloha

Lomi Lomi practitioners come from the deep understanding that everything posses spirit and we are all connected as one. From the stone & trees, to the stars, to the animals & us humans (kanaka) we are all of one spirit, one voice, one breath - Ha. By connecting to this spirit, quietening our outer voice and going within to acknowledge ourselves with love we are able to find answers to not only heal and empower our own lives, but inspire others to do the same.
To the lomi practitioner, this perspective becomes a way of life, a prayer of deep gratitude  - mahalo, to each moment, breathing joy into it and living in harmony with all things - this is the way of aloha. This is how we create a clear path, connecting to the divine for higher power and expansion.

Temple style Lomi Lomi is a sacred and ceremonial expression, a gift from the heart, the pu'uwaiThese styles of Lomi Lomi grew from the life and teachings of a native Hawaiian kahuna named Abraham Kawai'iIt's heart based techniques uses flow and movement, like a beautiful dance that weaves love and aloha from the giver to the receiver. A temple style lomi session is often a sponatnious experience, where dynamic technique can be balanced with gentle oceanic flow, rocking the receivers body into a trance for shamanic journeying, contacting bliss and removing cherished wounds.

A lomi lomi practitioner is taught to cleanse/clean and purify the physical, emotional and spiritual dimensions that may house blockages in the aka - the web that connects us to all things.
On a physical level, the treatment stimulates the lymphatic systems, improves cirulation whilst also deeply removing tension and restriction from muslces and joints - physically providing a deep and natural detox for the whole body.

I was trained in shamanic healing arts with Kumu Kealohi Powell, and while this included the beautiful and ritualistic temple style bodywork, I also was blessed to receive the Kahi Loa given originally by Serge Kahili King - a Kupua, shaman in the Hawaiian tradition. I also learnt Laulima, Creating Space and Bone Washing with Hawaiian KaHuna -Harry Uhane Jim.

Kahi Loa
The Kahi Loa has been called  'magic hands' and  "Permanent Oneness". It is a shamanic form of Lomi Lomi massage and Hawaiian healing which employs the mana (divine power) of Spirit in Fire, Water, Wind, Stone, Plants, Animals and Humans. Kahi Loa is a deep, gentle, loving communion with Nature and one's soul. It can be a truly sensuous, healing journey of pure Hawaiian Magic!

Lau Lima  - Creating Space - Bone Washing 
Lau Lima  - Hawaiian Reiki, Coming together by placing hands on the body to raise vibration. Can be done anywhere, any time fully clothed

Bone Washing - Releasing stored energy in the connective tissue that surrounds bones and joints. Its is believed that it is here we store emotional wounds from not only this life, but here we also carry the wounds of our ancestors. By gently releasing the tension surrounding the bones, the body is able to clear itself of these 'cherished wounds' A deeply powerful experience.

Creating Space - Using breath and gentle stretches throughout the body, a deep state of relaxation welcomes the body's knowledge of self-healing.  This technique brings the emotional and physical body into balance by relieving stress and held tension patterns. This technique is perfect as an introduction to temple style sessions. It is also incredibly supportive following physical or emotional trauma. The receiver is fully clothed and is suitable for all ages and body types using no oil. 

Temple Style Ritual - A Transformational Expereince
This is a full ceremonial treatment - Open prayer and hawaiian chanting opens & deepens the sessions for empowerment and healing.
Session includes - Shamanic healing techniques, Kahi Loa & Lomi Lomi. Sessions go until they are finished (roughly 3-4hours)

Pohaku Wele - Hawaiian Hot Stone and temple Style Treatment
60min, 90min and 2 hour sessions

Lomi Lomi Session - Temple Style treatment
60min, 90min and 2 hour sessions

Ike Mo'aka aka o' keiki maka - I see clearly through the eyes of a child

Feel free to call me to chat about treatments or how I can assist in your journey!!

Enliven - Balance - Inspire

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Winter News!!!!

Winter in upon us! The sun has danced its way across the sky to visit the other side of our Earth, to give way to summer above us in the northern hemisphere..
Any how will you spend the next few cooler quieter months?

Massage for Winter

Have you noticed your body has suddenly begun to spasm, tighten or hurt in areas that felt fine only a short time ago? Or do you occasionally experience acute episodes of sudden neck pain, headaches or chronic lower back tension?
As the weather begins to change, become cooler, our bodies start to slow down. We don’t move around as much, the blood flow decreases and our body is working harder to keep us warm. All in all it may result in symptoms of increased acute pain, muscle spasms/tension and headaches.
Regular massage during winter is an ideal way to encourage blood flow to the muscles and soft tissues. It also helps to keep the joints mobile, muscles more flexible and enhances a general overall feeling of wellness – which in turn lowers stress – which then helps to keep the immune system functioning – keeping pesky colds and flu’s at bay.

Winter check list for health and wellbeing:
  • Stock up on your vitamins and minerals, Vit C, B vitamns, Zinc
  • Regular exercise at least 3 times per week to keep your blood healthy
  • Massage every 3-4 weeks - for circulation and tissue health
  • Keep the water up. Less appealing in winter but still vital for hydration
  • Hearty healthy soups and stews packed with seasonal vegies (see recipe for a great chicken soup)
  • Stay warm, our body works harder in winter to keep us warm and to keep us moving, so make sure you keep yourself rugged up when out in the cold. Try to keep your neck and lower back warm.
  • Rest!! If you feel a little run down or under the weather, then stop, rest and recover.
Winter Chicken Noodle Soup Quantities can be adjusted the following serves 1 or 2.
In a pot combine cut and cover with water
2 -3 Organic Chicken drumsticks or 1 Chicken Maryland
1 Medium Onion
1 Celery Stalk 
1 Carrot
Garlic & Ginger root diced
Any root vegetables you fancy, Parsnip etc
Sweet Potato
A Few Kale Leaves (black cabbage)
Star Anise
Buckwheat Soba Noodles - add in final 5 mintues f cooking

Cook for 20 minutes, serve with fresh herbs.


Exciting news – we now have Marcel  - a fabulous Naturopath and Sarah an Ear Candling Specialist  available for sessions above Clay Health.
Naturopathy-Feel Better Naturally!!

Naturopathy is about tapping into your body’s natural ability to heal itself. It can help you achieve balance on a holistic level and is useful for treating specific health conditions as well as improving general health.

My approach is to identify the underlying causes of your health condition while managing your symptoms. This is achieved by investigating all the body’s systems (not just those with the presenting symptoms) through specific questions about your medical history as well as physical examinations. A naturopathic examination is undertaken which includes an iridology assessment, and tongue and nail diagnosis.

From there we work together to design a personalised treatment plan with short term and long term goals. The modalities that I use are Herbal Medicine, Homoeopathy and Nutrition which facilitate the healing process.
Common Conditions that are treated in Naturopathy
  • Cold/flu: Improving immunity as well as relieving immediate symptoms
  • General Fatigue: Maximising your body’s energy by optimising your organ and cell function
  • Sleep disorders: Getting to and staying asleep
  • Digestive complaints: IBS, bloating, constipation, cramps
  • Sports performance/injury: Increasing performance ability and healing capacity
Marcel Makdessi

Qualification: B.H.Sc (Naturopathy)
0421 077769
At Clay: Wednesday 2-8pm and Friday 8-2pm

Initial consultation: $90 (1-1.5 hours)
Return visit: $60 (30-45mins)
(Concessions available for students and pensioners)

Winter Solstice – Midwinter - 21st June
Winter is a time for coming together as a community, with family and friends as a time for celebration - sharing meals together during the darker months creates light & warmth that wards of the cold & less joyous feelings that winter can sometimes bring.

Traditionally the winter months were of withdrawal, healing and rest. Our existence is divided into day and night - light and dark, activity and rest, thus nature is telling us that Winter's to be embraced as time for inner reflection. As we begin to descend into the darkest point of the year, I personally intend to indulge in quiet withdrawal & contemplation, study & rest. Figuratively 'planting seeds' for new growth as the waxing year begins after the Winter solstice.

Reflection: Winter Solstice is at the end of the wheel of the year. Time is spent reflecting on the year before
Reviewing this year gone – what will you take with you, what can be left behind in the darkness
New goals: what do you want to give light to?

Yule, or the Midwinter Solstice, is the festival that celebrates the longest night of the year. This was the darkest moment of the year for our ancestors 
For us, Yule generally means feasting – but it is still that moment when we draw together in the darkness, to draw strength from what we know in our hearts but cannot yet see with our eyes -the rebirth of the sun king, and the return of the light. It is a joyous occasion as we celebrate the turning of the Wheel of the Year from the Dark towards the Light.

Enliven - Balance - Inspire

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Creating a magical 2011

Hello All,

Well, the new year is well and truly upon us, I'm sure you all already feel as though Christmas and New Year are now a distant memory!!
Now that we are freshly into the month of February & Chinese New Year has begun, its really an ideal time to re-assess or set any goals or intentions you wish to create in 2011.

Its also a nice idea to spend some time in reflection for the year that has passed focusing what you achieved or completed - in your personal life, professional life and in your relationships.
Did you have any moments filled with new insights, ideas or inspiration?  Take them into this year with you, get them moving.
What can be left behind? Old ways of thinking, beliefs, relationships, habits etc... Now is the time to reflect on what you want, and leave behind what no longer serves you.

2011 is about stepping in to your power as an individual. In the Ancient Hawaiian philosophy of Huna, this is known as MANA - all power comes from within- be confident, I am confident.
When we recognise our own potential we are bringing awareness within and towards the present moment, where we are able create how we want our lives to be then taking any necessary steps to achieve it.

Through understanding "I am what I think I am" we are able to trust that life unfolds as it should, as every experience that manifests itself in front of us we ourselves have created via our thoughts, words, actions and beliefs by becoming our reality.
This is IKE "ee kay" in Huna - The world is what you think it is

With this in mind:

Start the new year by finding your magical MANA power!
Discover IKE by bringing awareness to your thoughts and observing how they serve you.

Set your intention for the year ahead, focus on what you want to achieve and create in your life.

Stay tuned for a lovely mediation/visualisation to manifest your desired reality!!!

Until then, discover your wings and fly into 2011!!

Blessings of magic and aloha

Enliven - Balance - Inspire